I’m still here

I feel like I have been so unproductive lately, but I think I’ve just been jumping from one project to another so much that I haven’t made significant progress on any one thing.  I’ve also been daydreaming and that begins to complicate things.

For years, I have held a dream of owning and operating my own store, and lately, I have been feeling like the time to actually do something about it is approaching.  I am currently a SAHM with a nearly four-year-old-son (He’s turning four on the 27th! Ahhhh, my baby!) and while I wouldn’t trade by time as a SAHM for the world, I have been thinking it might be nice to do something else on the side.  Warren will be starting pre-school in the fall.  It will be four days a week for three hours a day at a nice Montessori school right here in our neighborhood.  I’m hoping to use that time to really get going on things.  Maybe next year, he will go “full-time” and I can actually be able to devote myself to a brick-and-mortar shop.  Until then, I have decided to do a few local shows and fairs, possibly getting my greedy little paws on a vintage camper to sell from.  Of course, we don’t have the funds for that just laying around and I really am beginning to wonder how people get started on these sorts of endeavors at all.  I know what I want.  I know where I want to be.  I know what sort of items I want to sell (handmade, new, and vintage).  Hell, I even have quite a handful of willing, talented artists and artisans (from ceramicists to needleworkers) in need of an outlet to sell their creations.  All signs point to “GO.”  What it boils down to is that I happen to be excellent at daydreaming and visualizing, but the numbers and action plan turn my brain and nerves into mush.  I need to get over it.  I want to get over it.  At the count of three, I’m gonna get over it.




Nope, still nervous, but look at my stitching:

Sew on Wednesday iron-on transfer embroidery.

Granny Square obsession

Fern Leaf Doily. From a vintage pattern. It is nearly done, but I ran out of thread! Ack!


If you’ve made it to the end of this post, thanks for listening to me whine.  I really will try not to do that too much in the future, but sometimes I can’t help it.  Also, there’s that whole accountability thing.  I’ve said it.  It’s there.
