Into trouble

I start things.  Occasionally, I finish them too, but mostly I start.  A few weeks ago, I decided that I needed to start doing embroidery.  Since I had experience with cross stitch from elementary school as well as a project that I started on a whim a few years ago, I chose cross stitch as my springboard.  Almost immediately after completing my first piece, I went off the deep end.  I love stitching.  Poor knitting is taking a back seat for a while. Here are my first two completed cross stitch endeavors:

Oops.  My fandom(s) is showing.  The first was done off of a pattern purchased from this shop.  The second was my own concoction.

Also in the works is Merry Meadow by the knitting famous Mochimochi Land:

Anyone else feel bad for the sentient tulips?

And I joined the Quilty Stitches stitch-a-long put on by Little Miss Shabby.  I’ve finished blocks #1-3 and parts of #4 and #5.  I only have photo evidence of the first two squares:

And in case that isn’t enough, I am working on a few (million) designs of my own that I hope to put into some publishable form in the weeks to come.  No promises.  I’m a lazy bum of a SAHM.

Starting over.

Long ago, I started this silly blog and quickly abandoned it.  Life happened and I just didn’t feel like pouring it out there.  I grew weary of discussion and argument verging on personal attack.  Politics have become something lower than vile to me and circular debate makes my skin crawl.  Enough was enough.  I left Facebook.  I stopped blogging, deleting all my previous posts to clear the air.  And you know what?  I began to feel better.  People sucked just a tiny bit less when I wasn’t obsessing over how wrong and pig-headed they were.  Imagine that.  My anger was all about me.  Silly, stubborn me.  That’s not to say I’m no longer opinionated.  Anyone who knows me can attest to that.  What it does mean is that I no longer need anyone to agree with me in order to feel justified in believing what I believe to be true.  This applies to politics, faith, craft, and writing.  I still struggle, but it is now a different kind of fight. 

It is time for a return.  I’m not sure what this blog will be.  It is what it is.