Jessica’s Alphabet–New pattern on Craftsy

I have a new pattern available for sale on Craftsy.   It’s called “Jessica’s Alphabet.”  I hope people like it as much as I do.



I did intend to post it on Etsy as well, but I’m kind of miffed.  I don’t like all the fees, especially when I don’t sell enough to make it worth it in the end.  On the other hand, Etsy is the only place I’ve had any success with sales.  I’m at a bit of a loss for what to do here.  Craftsy is nice because it is totally free, but their search is horrible.  Your items get lost in a sea of others, with no way to add tags or anything to make it stand out.  In fact, beyond a category, I don’t think you can conduct a keyword search through patterns on Craftsy, at least I can’t see how.  Keyword searches are really simple as far as database design goes, so I’m not sure what they are thinking in not including one.  Ugh.  A loud, resounding, “UGH.”  I guess the point of all this rambling on and on is to pose the question: Where is the best place for indie pattern designers to post their patterns for sale?  I looked into Storenvy, but it doesn’t look like you can sell files on there, just items.

Enough whining.  I’ve also been sewing:

I pulled this cute little skirt together in an afternoon, using a to-die-for flamingo print.  No pattern, just did it.

And above is a close-up of my invisible zipper installation.  I’m going to brag.  It looks ace.  Good job, me.  I also used a blue ribbon as hem tape for a nice and light finished hem.  Unfortunately, I didn’t get pics of that bit.  I have fabric for another skirt, but a little gremlin (who looks like my son, no doubt) has run off with my bobbin cover plate.  Whoops.