Jessica’s Alphabet–New pattern on Craftsy

I have a new pattern available for sale on Craftsy.   It’s called “Jessica’s Alphabet.”  I hope people like it as much as I do.



I did intend to post it on Etsy as well, but I’m kind of miffed.  I don’t like all the fees, especially when I don’t sell enough to make it worth it in the end.  On the other hand, Etsy is the only place I’ve had any success with sales.  I’m at a bit of a loss for what to do here.  Craftsy is nice because it is totally free, but their search is horrible.  Your items get lost in a sea of others, with no way to add tags or anything to make it stand out.  In fact, beyond a category, I don’t think you can conduct a keyword search through patterns on Craftsy, at least I can’t see how.  Keyword searches are really simple as far as database design goes, so I’m not sure what they are thinking in not including one.  Ugh.  A loud, resounding, “UGH.”  I guess the point of all this rambling on and on is to pose the question: Where is the best place for indie pattern designers to post their patterns for sale?  I looked into Storenvy, but it doesn’t look like you can sell files on there, just items.

Enough whining.  I’ve also been sewing:

I pulled this cute little skirt together in an afternoon, using a to-die-for flamingo print.  No pattern, just did it.

And above is a close-up of my invisible zipper installation.  I’m going to brag.  It looks ace.  Good job, me.  I also used a blue ribbon as hem tape for a nice and light finished hem.  Unfortunately, I didn’t get pics of that bit.  I have fabric for another skirt, but a little gremlin (who looks like my son, no doubt) has run off with my bobbin cover plate.  Whoops.

Happy International Workers Day! (and free pattern)

It’s Mayday, everyone.  This is a holiday that we love to celebrate in the Khailo home.  Thus, it would be remiss of me not to create something stitchy in honor of the many who have struggled/are currently struggling for worker’s rights around the world.

When we have to, we identify ourselves as Anarcho-syndicalists.  It’s not as scary as you think.  Look it up.  Anarchism has a long history, intentionally misrepresented by “the man.”  I love saying “the man.”  Basically, we believe that the workplace should belong to the workers, and not be run by some corporate hierarchy that ultimately works without the worker’s interests at heart.  It is, of course, more complicated than that, but I’m not interested in rambling on about it on a craft blog.  So, without further ado…

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Free to you.  It should work up to be around 5”wide and 4.7″ tall on 14ct aida.  Nearly a square.    Stitch it with pride!  This is what I’m working on today.  If you don’t like it, don’t stitch it.  It’s here if you want it.

Happy Stitching!

BMO Freebie.

I decided that I would offer up my BMO chart for free, since I think he’s just the cutest.  I’m not providing colors as I am going about choosing them haphazardly in my own project, using stash without labels to tell me what they were, etc…  And since BMO is a licensed character, here he is for free!   I have stitched him on 7ct. plastic canvas, using various worsted weight yarns.  HAVE FUN!


bmo screenshot

If y’all are nice, I might offer up the rest at a later date (in other words, when I finish them!  lol).

Updates and Another Pattern

Hello, blogosphere.  Just a speedy little update.  I finished Merry Meadow:

It’s so hilariously cute.  It needs steaming and framing.  I have a pile of finished pieces now that all need frames!

I’ve also been working on a crochet cardigan of my own design.  Its very simple.  I chained enough for 160 stitches and started triple crocheting my brains out.  I’ve been doing decreases every 4th row.  I’m hoping to get the body to be around 18″ before starting the sleeves.  I haven’t really decided what to do with the neckline or the sleeves yet.  I like the look of set-in sleeves, but I’ve not done much garment construction with crochet to really know how to go about designing it.  Since this cardi is going to be a bit oversized, I thought maybe drop shoulders with more fitted sleeves…probably in a single or half-double crochet.  I have a few store bought sweaters like that and I do like them.  DECISIONS, DECISIONS.


And now for a bit of self-promotion (That’s what blogs are for, right?).  I’ve put my second pattern design up on Etsy.  It’s called “Hex Party.”  I was inspired by the ubiquitous hexagons in my life (EPP, furniture, bees, etc…)


You can find the pattern here.  It’s a great project for stash threads and easy to personalize.  I’d love to see what creative people can do with it!